Thursday 29 September 2016

Break loose from the norm; Do the UNUSSUAL

When you look closely at the image above, you will notice a herd of sheep leaving the stall. There is no fence mounted to block them, only the gate, created with rope. That is what I call trap of thinking. That is the way many people reason, especially when it comes to their dreams and aspirations. 

If you look well, you will notice there are no boundaries and no limits to how far they can go to speed up their journey towards their desired destinations in life but because those at the edges could not think out of box or lets say they are trapped in their thoughts that the only way to their destinations is to pass that small gate. As far as pursuing your dreams and hitting your target is concerned, you should not be monopolised by anybody

Overtaking is ALLOWED!

Dear reader, I encourage you to break the ranks today! You don't have to follow the crow to achieve your desired goals! I challenge you to dare to be different and create a new destiny for yourself, your family and your society. 

The economy is tight, yet people are still buying cars. People are opening new businesses. People are expanding new frontiers. Great and awesome things are yet happening in righteousness!

Stop complaining! The government is not the answer for the hour. God, but through you is the driver of your destiny. I have never seen anytime in the history of the human race when there are no hard times. Yet people made waves and affected their generation.

If you see anybody complaining, you see a frustrated lazy man or woman looking for cheap answers and solutions. Either mentally or physically

Nothing in life will ever come easy. I belief what we need in this period of recession is the drive to push until victory comes. FOCUS- Follow your target Until Successful is reached.

Many successful people had tried one thing or the other before they became successful.

Keep trying. If you fail, try again. If you fail again, try again. And as you keep trying in the right direction and at the right things, success will surely come.

I Have Never Seen A *RICH Person* Who Has Never *lost Money* But I Have Seen A Lot Of *POOR People* Who Have Never *Lost A Dime* -Robert Kiyosaki-

The *Primary Difference* Between The *RICH* & The *POOR* Is How They *Handle FEAR* in Investment -Robert Kiyosaki-

Have a Positive mindset about investment. You can *NEVER* be Rich if you are too *SCARED*of losing Money

*SALARY* alone can not solve your money problems. You need Secondary Source of income to balance

*SALARY* is the *MEDICINE* for managing *POVERTY*, it doesn't *CURE* it. Only your *BUSINESS* or *INVESTMENT* Cure Poverty


For free and simple alternative sources of income, especially passive systems, inbox me here or WhatsApp on 08039515726.
I will coach you free!

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