Wednesday 14 May 2014


 One day, a man was sentenced for a crime which he claimed he did not commit. He was sentenced to death but his lawyers fought for a stay of execution. After several years an several legal battles, it was finally decided that he should be executed. That night, his family was invited to have a special dinner with him after which he was sent to the death chamber. The long drawn out battle to save his life ended that night with
his death.

After the execution there was a press conference and the pastor who stayed with the convict to the last moment was interviewed.  “Did he confess to the murder before he died?” They wanted to know.
“No, he maintained his innocence until he was executed,” the pastor said.

“What did you tell him?
How did you comfort him?
Did you say anything?
Did he say anything?”

The minister’s answer was simple, but profound. “I told him that we were all under a death sentence only that we do not know when it will be implemented. You know that your death sentence will be implemented
tonight but we don’t know when ours  will be implemented.”

I thought to myself, “How true that is. We are all indeed under a death sentence.”
As the scripture says, our days are determined.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die,
but after this the judgment:"
Heb 9:27 KJV

That famous prisoner had the advantage of knowing when
it was determined that he should die.  Indeed, we are all destined to die and to disappear into the grave. The thing  is that we don’t know when we will be asked to get into our graves. That is why you must prepare to
meet your God at any time!

"Therefore thus will I do unto thee,
O Israel: and because I will do this
unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel."
Amos 4:12 KJV

Necessity is therefore laid on you to return to your maker and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Or if you used to know Him but you have lost your ground with Him, return to your Lord today and make the way ready because WE ARE ALL SENTENCED TO DIE ON DAY! and that day, you do not know.

God bless you.

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